travel | family | Oregon

Today I took a flight to Bend Oregon to visit my aunt this weekend. Planning to do some fun stuff here in Bend before I make my trip back to Portland. The weather should be great, so we’re planning on some hiking, biking, and maybe paddle boarding!


Bend Oregon is an awesome place to live or visit throughout most of the year. Its one of those places that is hard to forget because of all the awesome activities that go on here. Bend has actually grown a lot since I graduated high school here in 2017. After living here for about three years it became easy to understand why everyone is moving here. The city has plenty of fun activities, from Floating the Deschutes River, attending the Bend Ale Trail, or rock climbing at the Bend Rock Gym.

The Flight

The flight that I took to go to Redmond wasn’t the average flight that you may think. Boutique Air allows you to fly private for a decent price. Although, this airlines is “very” limited to where they fly to. With only 10 people on the plane (including pilot), it felt very relaxed. No worrying about carry-on space, time to exit the plane, security, and of course no babies crying.

Here is a look at the plane.

The inside is very small but not to crowded. It was cool being able to see straight into the pilots cabin where they click buttons and pulled levers through the flight. Another thing that was different was the seatbelt. Its a car style seatbelt, which makes you think its going to be a bumpy flight, but it not.

Here are a few different photos of Portland, the Oregon mountains, and also the impact of the forest fires. Being able to see Earth from so high up is so cool, but at times it can be scary. On the way up, I could see all the bridges over the Willamette river and the skyscrapers of Portland before we entered the ocean clouds.

After getting out of the clouds is when you see how much damage the forest fires have caused in the last few years. Miles of burned forest and wildlife can be seen from that view. Then after 15 minutes the mountains were in sight and Oregon’s beauty came back. Enjoy.